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Platinum Watches Still Rare and Wonderful

If you take a look at your watch collection, you will most likely find steel and gold, but what about platinum? Platinum timepieces occupy a special niche in the upper echelon of watchmaking. They're beautiful, rare and coveted.

Recognized as the rarest and most precious metal on earth, platinum is intensely rich in hue. In fact, platinum is so rare that it is estimated that all of the platinum mined from the earth to date could fit inside a large living room. This shimmering white material has been used in watch designs for more than a century and if one owns a white metal watch passed down from a grandfather or great grandfather, chances are it is made of platinum.

Because platinum in its purest form is particularly difficult to work, it is sometimes alloyed with a tiny amount of copper to attain the flexibility needed to create a watch case. For this reason, platinum used in watch fabrication is usually 90 to 95 percent pure. A case made of 18-karat gold, by comparison, contains 75 percent pure gold. Platinum's high purity is reflected in prices a bit higher than the other noble metals, but there is a great deal of personal satisfaction from owning something crafted in platinum. So if you are looking for something truly special in this winter white season, platinum may shine brightly for you.

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